Friday, 21 February 2025

Let God be God

Many times I wonder what God's plan is with circumstances in my life. I see things only from my own perspective and not from his. I wonder how in the world challenging experiences I come up against can possibly work for good. I see the horrible things in this world and wonder how Injustice can be for good. Yet I look back I can see how very difficult things have changed our perspectives in a good way. Many times we read books of peoples stories that have gone through horrible horrible things and have been a shining testimony. No doubt it is by God's grace and the strength he provides. We are encouraged by what God has done in their lives. Elizabeth Elliott comes to mind as somebody who has had a very difficult life and yet has been a Shining Light to further God's Kingdom. God chose her and gave her that platform for his purposes to work out his good. King David was on the run from Saul, he did nothing to merit the treatment he got and yet he went through that trial with Grace. He could have taken things into his own hands and killed Saul, but he looked at things with God's perspective. What a legacy King David has and how God has used it to further his kingdom. What an example for how we are to treat others. Prayer - Lord I Thank you that you are in control of all things at all times, that you are good and sovereign. Even when I can't see the outcome, you can and are meticulously working it out. Thank you Lord for being so gracious to me and for putting up with all my human tendencies. I look forward to seeing your plan unfold. I love you, amen

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