Sunday 24 June 2012

June 24 2012 (Scott)

An update;
Next week I will receive my 1st chemo treatment as part of the 2 year maintenance program. I am looking forward to chatting with the specialist whom I haven’t spoken with in person for almost 5 months. I am hoping the appointment will give me a better idea of how I am doing to date and so forth. Physically not much has changed since my last treatment in
early April. I feel a little stronger; still have some strange sensations in lymph node areas, more headaches than normal, some numbness in fingers and feet, some minor discomfort at the bottom of my rib cage and I can feel a little disoriented at times. Mentally I feel somewhat refreshed, but still not myself. Sleeping continues to be an issue, but not like it was when I was receiving chemo every 3 weeks.
I still need to find/except the new physical and mental normal. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers…….desiring to serve God, Scott.