Friday, 3 February 2012

Just an update Feb 3 2012 (Scott)

Scott completed his 3rd of 6 treatments on Feb 3 and goes for his 4rth on Feb 24. His recent treatment went well and we are very thankful to God that Scott is feeling so well. In between Scott's 2nd and 3rd treatment he was able to work and even do some workouts at the gym. We can easily see how God has made our path easier through things like this and by, keeping Elizabeth and Scott flu free this winter even when it has passed through our house and by the peace he has provided us.
We have really appreciated the support we have received from family, church family, friends, and Scott's awesome team mates at work. It means so much!!!. We don't know what the future holds, but we know He holds it.
Items of praise and prayer;
- praise for how God's people have supported us and for the sense of peace he has given our family
- prayer for Elizabeth as she goes for a catscan Feb 8 to rule out a bowel obstruction (doc doesn`t want to do surgery at this point) and results on Feb 29
- the kids; you can see big questions on their faces when ever we experience a bump in the road or when someone in the community does. For what ever reason, of late, it seems like there has been a lot of sickness and sorrow in the community. Most recently a father who has a girl in Kamryn's grade and a boy in Colson's class passed away. He was only 46 and died of a sudden heart attack
- for God's hand at work through the treatments, that they would be effective according to his will and purpose (Scott has a catscan Feb 16 to confirm if the lymph nodes are returning to normal size, followed by results Feb 23 and the next chemo on Feb 24)
- during the treatments Scott is more susceptible to viruses, and fatigue (we are so grateful that he has been spared from this).
- that by God's grace, we would be able to be a witness throughout this trial.

God has richly blessed us with many lessons from trying experiences. We pray that we will be good stewards of both the good and the challenging experiences.

A recent timely reading;
What Jesus did on the cross was to break the power of death. By rising from the dead, He determined that death would no longer be the final word. He was reversing the cruel fate to which all of human creation had been subjected, beginning when Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden and were sentenced to death. From Adam onward, humans have known what it means to be haunted by death, and to know that at any moment, breath can be extinguished, and life evaporate.
Apart from Christ, the fear of death is a form of slavery. Those who have no eternal hope are powerless in the face of death. They cannot control or determine when or how it should come. In a universe without a Sovereign God, death is the ultimate victor. Every day is pregnant with fear, whether conscious or subconscious.
But Jesus Christ has conquered the grave. He has reversed the curse, and He has set the captives free. What is there to fear if death itself, seemingly so ultimate and terrifying, has been rendered powerless?
Maybe you’ve recently received a terminal diagnosis—or someone you love has. Death is cruel, and aging and disease were not part of God’s original plan for the world He created. And yet, even in death, there can be freedom and hope. Look to the merciful and faithful High Priest, Jesus Christ, who suffered a very cruel death on your behalf. Cry out to Him, knowing that He understands and sympathizes. Because of Him, death is not the end of the story.

Less of us and more of him we pray

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