Sunday 28 December 2014

Being thankful

At this mornings service, the speaker asked people to voluntarily stand and speak of an item that they were thankful for in 2014. Some items spoken of were witnessing opportunities, jobs, a grandchild accepting Christ, celebrating 50 years of marriage, a birth of a child after a previous miscarriage and the list went on.
As items were spoken, I wondered about those who attended who really struggled in 2014. Was it easy for those whose marriage separated to give thanks when their wounds were still raw, especially just after Christmas time, which is so much about family. Was it easy for those to be thankful when they have suffered illness? Did thankfulness overflow from those who have pleaded with God, but there pleas seem to have fallen on deaf ears? How was it for these folks to listen to the items of thanks?
Sometimes we have to look a little harder for something to be thankful for, we have to dig a little deeper and we have to be thankful in spite of. Perhaps that is a true test of how thankful someone can be, when they are not getting what they want, but they can look past it and still be thankful.
While our 2014 included 2 trips to the hospital for my wife who is immune compromised, on going cancer treatment and monitoring for me, an appendix removal for my son, an on going lawsuit against us for a vehicle accident where we were not found at fault, the reality that we will not be able to go south because of health reasons, etc., it also included items of thanksgiving.
In fact many of the items I just listed also have a component of thankfulness. While my wife's condition may not be convenient or fun, it has opened doors for us to grow and minister and God has sustained her through much for which we are very grateful. My cancer has been in remission which is a happy dance type feeling. We were spared from that accident and perhaps the lawsuit process will provide witnessing opportunities. We are grateful that our sons appendix was removed before it burst and while we won't be able to go to Florida, we will have a relaxing mid winter vacation at a water park.
My point is that there are usually things to be grateful for, but its so easy sometimes to look at the mountain of life's challenges and not to see the bigger mountain behind it containing God's provision.
For those out there who have been stung by difficult experiences, I challenge you to look for God within those experiences and to see how he has provided, how he has helped you persevere and carry the burden. How you do this will likely be an encouragement to many.
Your reality may also require you to look at the much larger picture, which is God's picture and to simply trust him that the pieces will fall in a way that will work for good. There may not be an immediate item of thankfulness, but if we give the situation to God and trust him with it, there will be something to be thankful for at some point. Perhaps your situation is being used to bring someone to Christ. This too, would be a truer test of ones thankfulness and perhaps even spiritual be able to look at things with God's perspective.

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