Monday, 18 November 2013

Wow, what deception (Genesis 27)

Oh my, the deception in Genisis 27. It's crazy.

This chapter is a story of a family with 2 sons, twins actually. The father had his favorite, the masculine hunter of a son and the mother had hers, which was the other son. That was just the start of their issues. Obviously the children were quick learners as the one son deceitfully bribed the birthright from his older brother for a pot of stew. Apparently one will give up a lot when hungry.The mother than put her conniving ways to use to ensure that her favourite received the blessing, which in those days was a big deal.

Check the story out by clicking on the link

Genesis 27

Do you see yourself in this story anywhere? Have you bribed someone, have you manipulated to get your way, do you treat a child of yours as a favourite?

There are many lessons in this story and I can certainly see my sinful nature in it.

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