Monday 22 April 2013

Will our kids question "the loving God"?

I suppose we all have our fears about our kids. We wonder how they interact at school and what they are being taught. After all in some senses they are raised by other people. They spend the day at school and only a few impressionable hours at home. We hope that they are hanging with the right crowd and making good friends.

There are signals of course, signals and signs of what they are being taught, of what is being impressed on them. Sometimes our kids are singing songs that I can assure you we don't sing here or they let words slip that they heard at school.

Those few hours we have with them are so precious and important. It's our opportunity to guide them and impress good habits on them.

One of my fears for our kids is there view of God. How will they view a loving God that in their sort lives of 8 and 9 years has allowed their mommy to battle with illness and experience a number of very close calls with death? What do they think of a God who allowed our family to get in a bad accident? How is there picture of God formed with the knowledge that their dad has cancer?

Information can always be handled in multiple ways. In our house, with our experiences, it's important for us and for our kids to focus more on how God has delivered us rather than the hard times we have encountered. Satan would have us focus on the negatives. He wants to choke out our happiness and any ideal we have that God is loving. Despite the challenges we know that we have a God that works in the details, a God that has journeyed with us and often carried us.

It's become important for us and for our kids to train ourselves to focus on God's goodness.

Proverbs 22:6 (
New International Version (NIV)
6 Start children off on the way they should go,
and even when they are old they will not turn from it.

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