Sunday 3 February 2013

Anxiety, depression, stress, hurt....(Scott)

Anxiety, its not that out there thing that only some people deal with, we all deal with it to varying degrees. The below link is to an article about a preacher who after years of public speaking and writing books suddenly experienced severe panic/anxiety attacks. The root cause, stress, what's the cause of stress, well all kinds of stuff we all face on a daily basis.

Anxiety Attack

I read and enjoyed the article. I could certainly identify with parts of it.

It’s a very, very lonely place to be when one feels so low, but those around them just cannot seem to identify. It’s a very lonely place to be when one feels so low, but everything and everyone around you seem to expect nothing less than normal. It’s a very lonely place to be when one just can’t find normal, when it always seems so elusive. 

Like this man I have found help in unlikely places. I have been seeing a phsychiatrist since August 2012, at which time I had told my family doctor that the pills he prescribed and that I had taken successfully in years gone by no longer worked. I felt as no one should feel. The doctor is an older Indian fellow whom I have nothing in common with, but he has experience in the area I need help in.  It's amazing who all God will use.

It’s a slow and sometimes painful journey. I meet with him weekly and have been working closely with him on medications, which I am currently off of. Another doctor commented about the “perfect storm” I have experienced and he too was helpful in helping me understand medications, cancer, anxiety and depression. I spent much of a year on very low sleep, thoroughly frustrated, angry and lost, but am seeing some glimmers of light.
Like in any profession, there are poor, average and excellent quality doctors, councillors and phsychiatrists. If you are struggling with depression or anxiety, be sure to find an excellent professional that can assist you. It may not be one person, it may have to be a team. Don't be embarrassed about this topic that has for far too long been taboo especially in Christian circles. Seek out the help you need.
If someone repeatedly bashes you in the face, you will likely have a sore face and need care, if one or a series of events hurts your heart, you will likely need care.
King David's writings ooze emotion from a man that I believe could have struggled with his emotions. Do we really think he didn't have any anxiety when King Saul was pursuing him and trying to end his life? Do ya really think the disciples didn't have any anxiety when they deserted Jesus just prior to the crucifixion. You bet they did, they were scared for their lives.
So why is it that this subject of anxiety and mental illness is so taboo, why is it that it has to be the big elephant in the room. After all we all have struggles, many of which when we share we find comfort in the fact that our peers struggle with similar things.
So how about it, why not share each others burdens, why not encourage each other as teammates, as we experience life together?

Meredith Andrews - You're Not Alone (Official Video)

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