Wednesday 8 May 2013

Does hurt drive you more than you realize?

As I journey along I am realising how much of a role hurt plays on our society, in each of our lives. Maybe your thinking, "you just realised that bud".

As I study and seek council in my own life I realize that hurt is what often steers us. The challenge is where does it take us, where do we choose it to take us?

Have you ever stopped to think of how you are responding to hurt caused by: something someone said or did, dashed dreams, guilt from how you have behaved, abuse, coping with children with learning or other disorders, health crisis, marital issues...............

Hurt always leaves a void that has to be filled, but with what?

Hurt may lead us to over indulge in chocolate (me), sex or any means of filling the void. Hurt people often look to others, in some cases this is good, in other cases it leads to misunderstandings, affairs and more hurt. Hurt may cause rage, suicide, depression anger. If you are a christian hurt led you to God. If you have other beliefs, hurt and a deep longing led you there.

Figuratively speaking, "what is your comfort food" when you are hurting?

Hurt really does steer us and although we have a loving God who promises to meet all of our needs, how often do we choose that remedy first? He says come to me all you who are weary, but really is that our first stop, or are we more apt to stop elsewhere like the liquor store.

Where is hurt leading you?

Kari Jobe - What Love is This (Lyrics)

What love is this

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