Monday 2 September 2013

is what you dont have a higher priority than what you do have?

Is what you don't have a higher priority than what you do have?

As I reflect on life and look forward too, I realise that many times I have prioritised what I don't have ahead of what I do have. We live in a very materialistic world where collecting wealth and things seems to be of a high priority. I too am guilty of this. Its so easy to long for what we don't have, a bigger house, a place on a lake, a cottage, health and on and on the list can go, yet sometimes very hard to be thankful for what we do have, a place to live, food on the table, health, etc.
I wonder some times if giving thanks before a meal has become more of a ritual than a heartfelt thank you to a God who has provided above and beyond for us. Are we truly thankful when we mumble a quick prayer before a meal or do we do it more out of habit? We have had things so good for so long, perhaps we just expect it. The meal is put before us by hands like ours, but do we connect the dots and realise who really provided it?
Do we know what it is to be truly thankful and reliant on God as our provider? Sadly I think many of us fall into the we deserve this, we are entitled to this category rather than the thankful category. I wonder if we really know what it is to be grateful. Generations past knew what it was to look to God as their provider, and some today do to, but in general do we really know what it is to rely on God and be thankful for his provision or have we become so accustomed to our own perceived self sufficiency?

How am I, how are you doing with being thankful? Am I, are you thankful for what we have or are our minds set on what we don't have? What are we prioritising, to be thankful or wanting?

1 Thessalonians 5:18 (
New International Version (NIV)
18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

THANKFUL- Josh Groban

Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart by Don Moen


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