Saturday 22 December 2012

Christmas you have room

Christmas, over 40 have come and gone for me. My memories of Christmas include:
- being given non speaking parts in Christmas plays
- my sister stomping all over a new Canadian tire truck I was given (oops, I might add that it was after I pulled the eye lashes out of her doll)
- spending Christmas in the hospital in 1992 and 2010
- the excitement we had as kids,  the excitement I now see in my kids
- the decorating I partake in with great glee, NOT
- the food.....remembering dad by enjoying all the fine foods he enjoyed (he loved unique stuff)
- the family and friends
- and oh ya celebrating Jesus birth

Oh ya the real reason, I almost forgot. Each year it seems that we have to look a little harder to see the real reason, to see where it is. Oh the celebrations at church are still there, but I mean within society in general. I don't see the real reason that much outside of church type activities.

I wonder how sad this makes God, to have sent his only son, who would later die so that He could spend eternity with us.......and yet how much is this baby really part of our celebrations?

There wasn't even room for him to be we have room for him now, in our homes, in our hearts, as our saviour.......have a listen to this song.

Do You Have Room? (New Christmas Song by Shawna Edwards)

Perfect Love (Mary's Song) with lyrics

The River - Meredith Andrews

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