Thursday 20 December 2012


This week, our schools are trying to deal with the aftermath of the NewTown tragedy. I happened to be home sick on Monday and watched an inappropriate amount of US talk shows. Many of them had professional councillors, etc., on. I don't recall one suggesting that parents should detail this to their kids. Even the note from school suggested that teachers would not discuss this unless kids had questions. We didn't tell our kids anything about it, but yesterday they both came home with details that they said were from a teacher. Our son in particular has a significant fear of bad things, death, natural disaster, robbery.....all this from his mommy having been near death so many times. Why why why do parents or teachers see anything good from sharing an horrific event with their children. What possible good can come from it? Can kids not be allowed to live in their innocence? Do we have to ruin that for them too? They will have more than enough of their life to deal with the horse poop that we as adults encounter.

I understand that in many cases, these poor kids have heard or seen something and bring it up at school, leaving the poor teachers to parent the kids and explain what happened.

I get it that some kids have to be told, perhaps because they saw something, heard something or even know someone involved.

But really, do we have to go out of our way to share with them the horrors of this world? I think not!

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