Saturday 1 December 2012

Is my life a celebration of what Christmas is to me?

I was probably naive to all of this growing up, I mean all the preparation that goes with Christmas. I don't remember thinking that much about it.....actually being off for Christmas was a bigger deal. Now some of us have gatherings and parties already in November and they go on in some shape and form until after Christmas.

So basically we celebrate it for a month or more. What are we celebrating though. Is it just a reason to get together? We say that Jesus is the reason, but just where is he in most of these celebrations. Oh I forgot, sometimes we do play a few carols and even sing a few songs at these functions. But really, is Jesus even close to the centre of most of these celebrations, or just the original reason that has grown into just a good excuse to get together.

I think of my own kids and wonder sometimes how much they really understand about Christmas and Easter in our overly commercialized world. Do they really get why we celebrate these things. I mean if I was a kid, which way back when I was, the gifts and the Easter eggs are pretty attractive compared to listening to some oldies yap about the real reason.

So how do we make the real reason become the focal point this season in our homes, at work and where ever we are?

Jesus was born and died for me, I get eternity out of this deal if I accept this gift........maybe I can start by wearing the joy of salvation on my face. Perhaps exuding Christ's love will be another step. Perhaps allowing his spirit to work through me in a giving and servant like attitude will be a step. Just maybe all of these things will show what we are talking about, that Jesus is a reason to celebrate.

Perhaps if we as Christians do more, if we lead by example, if we ourselves are not sucked into what Christmas has become, maybe then the real reason will show again.

The season goes beyond attending a few rushed gatherings and church services, its about being a living celebration of what that precious gift has been in our lives. I know I got a long way to go.....

Isaiah 53 NIV

Sidewalk Prophets - Hope Is Born This Night

O Holy Night - Josh Groban

Born to Die by Bebo Norman

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