Thursday 20 December 2012

stuck in 3rd gear...

Does it seem sometimes like your vehicle is stuck in 3rd gear and that you just cannot get it into 4rth or 5th? Does it feel sometimes like you are doing all the right things, going to church, praying, etc, but you just dont feel fullfilled. Its a place I have been many times, for me its that stage where I wonder where God is, what am I doing wrong, why am I not feeling full filled.
I felt that way for a number of years leading up to 2012 and have certainly had my moments this year and even now. I had been an elder, was a reasonably good person, but just didnt feel fullfilled.
Its during that time where I think its important to stay the course and keep a senstive ear to Gods leading. Its hard though, but I believe that is where our faith is increased.
I just finished reading a portion of Philip Yancey's book "disapointed with God" He refers to stories like that of:
- Abraham when he he was promised a son, but it was not fulfilled till years later
- Joseph who seemed to do many things well but spent years imprisoned
God increased their faith during the lean times, even when in Abraham's case he tried to find his own solution of creating a nation, by having a child through his maid servant.

God tests our faith and dedication to him during the times where he seems absent. He is there during these times.

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