Thursday 1 November 2012


I was made aware very young of what the consequences are to careless behaviour. In 1984 on a fall Sunday morning before church our family was made aware of one of this areas biggest tragedies. 4 teens would lose there lives because an intoxicated driver played chicken with a hayride (a youth group event).
 I have been reminded of the negative impact alcohol can have several times during my life. In high school there were deaths caused by drunken driving. In the last few years an acquaintance while on his motorbike was hit by a drunk driver. He suffered major injuries. Last year a young man in town lost his life, he was a passenger.
Of those 4 boys who died, I knew 3, one who was 2 years older had a sister in my grade 7 class, he too had gone to the same school, another I knew from school as he was just a year older and another had friends in our youth group.
It hit home hard when we went to the funeral home and saw these young dead bodies. They were only age 14 to 17! What a tragedy.They had no chance, NONE!
Many are well educated now of the risks and take precautions by having a designated driver, taking a taxi. etc. There are still those that take the risk though and drive.
While I am a Christian, I do social drink, but the bible (not me) is very clear on what it has to say about drunken behaviour. The above story is a tragedy, one that was the direct result of careless and selfish behaviour.

Life is about personal choices and if one chooses to drink until drunk, then we hope they at least have the decency to keep the consequences (hangover) to them selves as opposed to driving while intoxicated and potentially sharing the consequence with many others. Its often the innocent that pay the price!

Romans 13:13 New International Version (NIV)

Let us behave decently, as in the daytime, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and debauchery, not in dissension and jealousy.

Ephesians 5:18 New International Version (NIV)

Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit,

Jenn Bostic "Jealous Of The Angels"

Westlife - I'll See You Again


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